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Detailed File Information
Lesson 3- Adaptations of Mesopelagic Animals
File Name lesson3.mesoadaptation.pptx
Data Type lesson plan
Computer Program Not specified
File Size 85.96 MB - 1 file
Expert Level High School (Grade 9-12)
Contributor Amanda N Netburn
Source No source
Resource Matrix Fish and Benthic Life in the Oceans
This lesson introduces some of the key adaptations that mesopelagic animals have for living in the deep open ocean. These include: (1) Large mouths in order to effectively catch what little prey is available, (2) the ability to produce light and (3) camouflaging by being transparent, black, red or silver. The lesson is followed by an activity in which students look at images of different mesopelagic animals and observe the different adaptations.
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