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The Biota of Vailulu'u Seamount in the Samoan Archipelago
File Name young.pps
Data Type presentation
Computer Program Microsoft Powerpoint 2003
File Size 38.58 MB - 1 file
Expert Level College and Introduction to Science
Contributor Craig Young
Source No source
Vailulu'u is the active seamount on the hotspot at the Eastern end of the Samoan volcanic chain, and has been the focus of two research cruises in April and June 2005 using the Pisces V submersible. The objectives of biological studies include the macrobiological and microbiological exploration of biota in a wide range of settings, including a newly formed volcanic cone, Nafanua forming a pronounced summit in the crater of Vailulu¿u, a series of hydrothermal vents up to 80¿C, and settings inside and outside the crater. In this keynote presentation for the First SBN Workhop Craig Young lays out all the evidence for a widely diverse group of biota as observed for Vailulu'u. In particular, he describes Eel City that has been occupied a large group of the synaphobranchid eel Dysommina rugosa.
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