- Understand the importance of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the global carbon cycle.
- The attraction of molecules at the surface of a liquid is called surface tension.
- The addition of surfactants lowers the surface tension of a liquid.
- Sea spray is important for marine cloud formation.
- Air and other gases have masses and exert pressure.
- Understand the relationship between the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas.
- Gases can be dissolved in liquids.
- The net direction of diffusion is from high concentration to low concentration.
- Breaking waves entrain air which fragment into bubbles of a predictable size.
- Global temperatures have increased about 0.8 °C since 1880.
- Temperature change is not uniform across the entire planet.
- The greenhouse effect is just one of many controls on Earth’s climate.
- Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have steadily increased since direct measurements in 1960.
- Geoengineering methods to cool the planet can be classified into two categories: carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management.
- Fossil fuels are formed from the fossils of dead dinosaurs.
- The only form of carbon in the carbon cycle is carbon dioxide.
- All surfactants are commercially produced.
- Evaporation is the only mechanism responsible for cloud formation.
- ases possess less mass (“lower weight”, or, “no weight”) than solids and liquids.
- Air has no mass.
- Air does not normally exert any pressure on objects because you can’t feel it.
- Gases are not matter because they are invisible.
- Gases cannot dissolve in liquids.
- Global carbon flux values are perfectly known quantities with little uncertainty.
- Greenhouse gases are bad.
- Carbon dioxide is the only greenhouse gas.
- Temperature change is uniform spatially and temporally.
- Students will be given a brief introduction to the carbon cycle through the accompanying PowerPoint. Students will then individually (or in pairs) play “The Carbon Cycle Game”. While they are playing the game, they will be completing the associated worksheet.
- In this 2-day lesson, students will learn about surface tension, surfactants, sea foam, and cloud nucleation through 2 short demos, 1 activity and 2 PowerPoint lessons. In the first demonstration, fresh water and soapy water are agitated and differences are noted. This opening demo is meant to set the tone for the lesson. The second short demonstration investigates surface tension and asks students to try and fit as many drops of water on a penny as possible. The main activity investigates the effect of glycerin on bubble size and life span.
- This inquiry-based lesson on the properties of gases spans two-days and contains 10 demonstrations/activities. The Gas Law Activity demonstrations allow students to witness first-hand the relationships between temperature, pressure, and volume of a gas. If certain required materials for a demo are not available in the classroom, videos are embedded in the Gas Laws Activity PowerPoint showing the results from each demonstration.
- A PowerPoint presentation and accompanying worksheet will detail the aspects of deriving an appropriate air-sea gas transfer model on a global scale. To set the framework for learning about air-sea gas transfer, students will perform an activity in which they examine how gases can be dissolved in liquid.
- This concluding power point and worksheet offers a starting point for meaningful conversations about current events in chemistry, climate science, and geoengineering technology. The concept of global warming is introduced including its causes and effects. Possible technological remedies to the effectts of global warming are discussed which incorporate concepts learned in previous lessons such as surface tension and bubble formation during wave breaking.
- Computer with internet – 1 or 2 students per computer.
- Soapy Water demonstration (1 setup for teacher): 2 large beakers, water, dish soap, mixing stick.
- Drops on a Penny demo (per student): 1 penny, 1 dropper, and 1 glass of water per student.
- Soapy and Sticky Bubbles activity (per group of 2 students): plastic plate with a raised edge, measuring ruler, stop watch, straw, stirrer, 200 mL beaker, 10 mL graduated cylinder, dish soap, glycerin, water.
- PTV sticks (per student): 1 popsicle stick, marker or pen.
- Gas has Mass (per class): basketball (very deflated), can of compressed gas, balance that measures in grams.
- Marshmallow in a jar (per class): marshmallow, sealed jar, vacuum.
- Soda can in ice water (per class): soda can with 1 cm of water inside, tongs, a hot place, ice water.
- Egg in the bottle (per class): glass bottle, hard-boiled peeled egg, matches, strips of paper.
- Bottle on the balloon (per class): An Erlenmeyer flask, water, hot plate, balloon, tongs.
- Marshmallow in syringe (2 setups per class): Syringe, marshmallow.
- Balloons in water (2 setups per class): 2 inflated balloons, tub of ice water, hot water being heated by a hot plate.
- Candle in water (2 setups per class): A dish of colored liquid, a candle, matches, a beaker.
- Cotton fireball (2 setups per class): Cotton ball, glass cylinder pieces, plunger (or purchase "fire syringe" kit online).
- Undissolving Gas activity (per class): unopened 1-liter bottle of club soda with label removed.
- Undissolving Gas activity (per student): clear plastic cup, M&M, pipe cleaner.
- Challenge during presentation (per person): 1 slip of scratch paper.
- This unit was designed for a general high school chemistry class, non-math based. There are 5 lessons that span 7 days of instruction. Each lesson includes a PowerPoint instructional presentation, at least one inquiry activity, and assessment worksheets with a teacher answer key. Students are assumed to be familiar with the concepts of density, states of matter, and the global carbon cycle.
- Lesson 1: Students will be completing and turning in the associated worksheet with the computer activity.
- Lesson 2: Day 1: The Soapy and Sticky Bubbles activity requires about 25-30 minutes of classroom time. Data collection will be finished on Day 2 once data is shared as a class between student groups. Evaluation consists of a completed worksheet from both Day 1 and Day 2 and a completed lab worksheet.
- Lesson 3: For the inquiry activity on Day 2, students will complete worksheets that accompany each activity station.
- Lesson 4: There is a student worksheet that accompanies this PowerPoint lesson. Currently, the presentation is setup so that prompts appear throughout the slides to inform students when to answer certain worksheet questions. Instead of completing worksheets, any of the worksheet questions can be answered by brainstorming in groups and sharing ideas with the class. Students may perform think-pair-share exercises when answering the worksheet questions, use whiteboards, or simply finish the questions as homework. Also there is a worksheet for the Dissolving Liquids activity.
- Lesson 5: There is a student worksheet that accompanies this PowerPoint lesson. Currently, the presentation is setup so that prompts appear throughout the slides to inform students when to answer certain worksheet questions. Instead of completing worksheets, any of the worksheet questions can be answered by brainstorming in groups and sharing ideas with the class. Students may perform think-pair-share exercises when answering the worksheet questions, use whiteboards, or simply finish the questions as homework.
- ES7: Biogeochemical Cycles
- 7a. Students know the carbon cycle of photosynthesis and respiration and the nitrogen cycle.
- 7b. Students know the global carbon cycle: the different physical and chemical forms of carbon in the atmosphere, oceans, biomass, fossil fuels, and the movement of carbon among these reservoirs.
- ES4-6: Energy in the Earth System
- 4b. Students know the fate of incoming solar radiation in terms of reflection, absorption, and photosynthesis.
- 4c. Students know the different atmospheric gases that absorb the Earth’s thermal radiation and the mechanism and significance of the greenhouse effect.
- 6c. Students know how Earth’s climate has changed over time, corresponding to changes in Earth’s geography, atmospheric composition, and other factors, such as solar radiation and plate movement.
- C2: Chemical Bonds
- 2d. Students know the atoms and molecules in liquids move in a random pattern relative to one another because the intermolecular forces are too weak to hold the atoms or molecules in a solid form.
- 2h. Students know how to identify solids and liquids held together by van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding and relate these forces to volatility and boiling/melting point temperatures.
- C4: Gases and Their Properties
- 4a. Students know the random motion of molecules and their collisions with a surface create the observable pressure on that surface.
- 4c. Students know how to apply the gas laws to relations between the pressure, temperature, and volume of any amount of an ideal gas or any mixture of ideal gases.
- 4g. Students know the kinetic theory of gases relates the absolute temperature of a gas to the average kinetic energy of its molecules or atoms.
- C6: Solutions
- 6c. Students know temperature, pressure, and surface area affect the dissolving process.
 Ocean Surface
 Keeling Curve
- Grade Level: General high school chemistry class, non-math based
- Time Frame: 5 lessons that span 7 days of instruction
 Scripps Pier
 Roger Revelle
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