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FeMO at the Fall AGU Meeting 2007
File Name agu.femo.abstractvolume.2007.pdf
Data Type document
Computer Program Microsoft Word 2003
File Size 609.00 KB - 1 file
Expert Level Graduate School
Contributor FeMO Database Team
Source No source
Resource Matrix Biomediation of Lavas
Iron and manganese are the most abundant redox active metals in Earth's crust, and thus are widely available for microbial energy generation. While Fe- and Mn-cycling microbes have long been recognized, recent work has provided great insight into their phylogenetic and physiological diversity, effects on environmental processes, roles in microbial ecology, and enzymatic pathways. In this session we aim to bring together researchers in geo- and biosciences to showcase the wide variety of lab-, field-, and computational-based approaches and to encourage dialogue between disciplines. Topics may include: What microbes oxidize and reduce Fe and Mn? What environments are they found in? What genes and proteins are involved? What is the geochemical/mineralogical state of Fe and Mn in the environment, and how do microbes affect this? What are tracers and biomarkers of Fe/Mn microbial activity and can we relate these to features in the rock record?
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