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GOLF 4-3-9 Antarctica Expedition 2012


It has been a long haul for us to prepare for our work on the ice.  We started in mid-summer sending off our cargo shipments. Throughout the summer, we were busy with a prolonged series of medical and dental qualification exams. We finally got our medical clearance only a couple of weeks prior to our deployment and flights were booked only with five days notice. Hubert was the first one to arrive on Oct 10, so he could properly train up for the diving.  Laurie and Anthony arrived on Oct 18 to set up the lab and to have Anthony go through snow craft (AKA Happy Camper) training.  Brad will show up on November 2, in time to get ready for Mt Erebus.  To make our blog entries consistent we decided that our expedition on October 25, making this “Day 01”  for our blogs.  The first blog will be about the earthquake-ravaged Christchurch and subsequent blogs will feature our on-ice adventures beginning with “Day 2” on October 26, 2012.

This News and Issues section on the G-439-2012 website will offer in-detail features that are too long for the daily blogs, so we can have a little more space for some issues, while not bogging down the blogs into unmanageable treaties.  We will add a new feature to this section: A “Weekly Puzzle”, where we pick a particular curious fact or observation, and pose a question that we ask you to solve over the next week.  Next week we will post the answer and pose another puzzle or question.  We hope you will enjoy these puzzles, and be prepared to be challenged (with the occasional trick question)!

Thank you for tuning in and we hope we can share with you this awesome adventure, and the fun we are having while we are working on the harshest continent on the planet!