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A Week of Science at Sea: Day 2: Sampling the seafloor - Reading the messages in mud
File Name neal.day2.sediments.compatible.doc
Data Type lesson plan
Computer Program MS Word 97
File Size 3.38 MB - 1 file
Expert Level Middle School (Grade 6-8)
Contributor Benjamin P Neal
Source No source
Resource Matrix Fish and Benthic Life in the Oceans
This lesson introduces students to some of the components of sediments and soil, to basic sediment analysis methods and how to extract some of the constituents, and to the recording and comparing of field data.
This is the second lesson in a series of five lessons with accompanying videos, collectively entitled "A Week at Sea Aboard the Research Vessel Melville." The video for today is called "Sampling the Seafloor" and can be found on YouTube at this link This video is most appropriate, but not required, if watched before beginning the exercise, as it introduces the methods of collecting sediment samples, such as those used in the exercise described below. Following the video, solicit student questions, and then begin the exercise below.
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