FeMO2 Dive Cruise 2007 |
My thesis is based on identifying the colonizing populations of bacteria in the microbial mats at Loihi Seamount using molecular methods.
Where is your hometown?
Bellingham, Washington.
What is your career?
Graduate Student.
What is your education and training?
B.S. Cellular Biology, M.S. Biology hopefully before too long.
What inspired you to choose your career and which persons were your role models?
I like doing research and working in a lab.
What are some of your favorite things about life at sea?
Getting away from the routine, it’s something most people don’t get to experience. Working with great people.
What do you do in your free time?
Skiing, reading, cooking, biking, drinking coffee, traveling to random places (Craig Moyer can attest to this one).
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