FeMO2 Dive Cruise 2007
Biography of Don Nuzzio -- Analytical Chemist

Don Nuzzio

I am the President of Analytical Instrument Systems, Inc. I am involved in construction of rugged reliable analytical instruments for oceanographic research. My role as scientist on this cruise is to provide support for my In Situ Electrochemical Analyzer known as the AIS-ISEAIII (sniffer). This piece of instrumentation allows scientists on this cruise to analyze in real time concentration oxygen, sulfide, iron, iron sulfide and manganese. With this information scientists can better collect samples from the ocean floor, knowing the immediate environment under study. o Currently we have a new data logging system that can be used from the depths of the ocean to on land, which can record 16 channels of data from a variety of sensors, including temperatures, pressure, conductivity, redox, light, voltammetry, potentiometry. Using the ISEA we are trying to determine microbial habitats and characterize chemically.

Where is your hometown?

My company is located in Flemington, New Jersey.

What is your education and training?

I have a B.S. in chemistry from Fairleigh Dickinson University, a M.S. in physical chemistry and a PhD in analytical chemistry from Rutgers University.

What inspired you to choose your career and which persons were your role models?

Seeing how people work and how I can make their tasks easier! Designing analytical instruments that are reliable and give the researcher a better way to measure all types of chemistry in the ocean. My role models are my Dad and Thomas Edison.

What are some of your favorite things about life at sea?

The ability to focus on research and not be distracted from the everyday things, and no phone!

Anything else you’d like to say?

Being president of a small company and a scientist allows me to better understand the instrument needs of the scientific community as a whole. I enjoy applying my analytical skills to provide scientists with the best measurements possible.

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