FeMO2 Dive Cruise 2007
Biography of In Chieh Chen -- Scientist

In Chieh Chen

I am here to see what it’s like to be at sea, see what people do on cruises, learn about the logistics of preparing for a cruise, learn about JASON, and help out Brian Glazer on making electrodes or whatever else he might need help with.

Where is your hometown?

All over, I grew up in LA, went to college in Berkeley, worked in Saratoga Springs, and am now living in Hawaii. My parents have been living in Shanghai for the last 15 years, so home is wherever I happen to be living at the time.

What is your career?

Right now, I’m a grad student. I’m going for me MS in Ocean Resources Engineering. I used to be a Nuclear Plant Engineer, working with the Navy to train sailors on the engineering spaces of submarines. I hope my future career will involve sustainable coastal development.

What is your education and training?

I got my BS in Mechanical Engineering from Berkeley in 2002 and just started at UHM this summer.

What inspired you to choose your career and which persons were your role models?

I’ve seen how fast parts of China industrialized and noticed that environmental/pollution problems were ignored in order to develop quickly. I’m interested in how industry can develop without destroying the environment. There are many aspects of this problem, economic, political, social, and technical.

What are some of your favorite things about life at sea?

Being stuck on board with a group of people can be fun. I’ve met really great people on this cruise.

What do you do in your free time?

Free time at sea? I try to sleep. Free time on land? I’m trying to train for a triathlon next summer.

Contact information:

University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ocean Resources Engineering
Holmes Hall Room 242
Honolulu, HI
Email: inchieh@hawaii.edu

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