FeMO2 Dive Cruise 2007
Biography of Reed Powell -- Scientist

I am a member of the Jason crew. I am not here to answer scientific questions, but instead to get the job done.

Where is your hometown?

The District of Columbia (i.e. the capital of capitalism).

What is your career?

I am the anti-professional. As an independent contractor I work as a cycle courier, custom bicycle frame builder, and custom furniture builder.

What is your education and training?

B.S. in Criminal Justice, Welder, General Mechanic.

What inspired you to choose your career and which persons were your role models?

Scott Hansen (also on this cruise) and Mike P. are my role models. They are the people I most want to be like. I am inspired by all those people still locked in cubicles and chained to “real jobs”.

What are some of your favorite things about life at sea?

The chance to think without distractions and the food on the Kilo Moana are my favorite things on this trip. The pay doesn’t hurt.

What do you do in your free time?

On land I spend my free time with my girlfriend Patti, skate, and I ride bicycles every day. At sea my free time is spent sleeping, reading, and working on my business plan.

Anything else you’d like to say?

I’d like the thank the Captain and Crew for running such a great ship.

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