tab	contribution
id	doi	version	timestamp	magic_version	contributor	author	description
10191	10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04346.x	1	2014-11-04T11:24:31.000Z	2.4	@magic		
tab delimited	er_locations
er_location_name	location_type	location_begin_lat	location_begin_lon	location_end_lat	location_end_lon	continent_ocean	country	terrane	er_citation_names
Bushveld complex	Region	-24.9	29	-24.9	29	Africa	South Africa	Kaapvaal	This study
tab delimited	er_citations	MAGIC00433889
er_citation_name	long_authors	year	doi	title	citation_type	journal	volume	pages
This study	Letts, S., Torsvik, T.H., Webb, S.J. and Ashwal, L.D.	2009	10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04346.x	Palaeomagnetism of the 2054 Ma Bushveld Complex (South Africa): implications for emplacement and cooling	Journal	Geophysical Journal International	179	850-872
tab delimited	pmag_results
pmag_result_name	er_location_names	data_type	average_lat	average_lon	average_age_low	average_age_high	average_age_unit	average_inc	average_dec	average_alpha95	average_n	average_nn	average_k	vgp_lat	vgp_lon	vgp_dp	vgp_dm	vgp_alpha95	vgp_n	percent_reversed	result_description	external_database_names	external_database_ids	magic_method_codes	er_citation_names
Bushveld complex -R	Bushveld complex	c	-24.9	29	2041	2056	Ma	-58.2	189.5	10.7	5	20	51.7	25.7	37.2	11.7	15.9	13.6	20	100	2054. 4 ą 1. 3 on Merensky Reef, 2044. 1 ą 2. 9 biotite on UG-2 chromitite layer.	PALEOMAGIA	3531002	LP-DIR : GM-ARAR : GM-UPB	This study
Bushveld complex -N	Bushveld complex	c			2041	2056	Ma	62.6	24.3	10.9	5	75	50.2	17.7	47.1	13.3	17.1	15.1	75	0	2054. 4 ą 1. 3 on Merensky Reef, 2044. 1 ą 2. 9 biotite on UG-2 chromitite layer.	PALEOMAGIA	3531001	LP-DIR : GM-ARAR : GM-UPB	This study
tab delimited	magic_methods
magic_method_code	method_type	method_definition
GM-ARAR	Geochronology Method	40Ar/39Ar age determination
GM-UPB	Geochronology Method	U-Pb age determination
LP-DIR	Lab Protocol	Directional data