Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC)
Development and Maintenance by the Database Team

Standard MagIC Data Format -- RMAG_Anisotropy Table -- Version 2.5
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MagIC Data Model
F Status N Database Field Variable Name Units Required Description
R 1 Expedition Name er_expedition_name Text Optional Name for seagoing or land expedition Examples are: AVON02MV
R 2 Location Name er_location_name Text Required Name for location, dredge or drill site Examples are: San Francisco Volcanic Province, Dredge AMAT02-D12, Site 801
R 3 Formation Name er_formation_name Text Optional Name for formation Examples are: Bluebird Formation
R 4 Member Name er_member_name Text Optional Name for member Examples are: Glasshound Member
R 5 Site Name er_site_name Text Required Name for site Examples are: Bas123a
R 6 Sample Name er_sample_name Text Required Name for sample Examples are: Bas123a-01
R 7 Specimen Name er_specimen_name Text Required Name for specimen Examples are: Bas123a-01x
R 8 Fossil Name er_fossil_name Text Recommended Name for fossil Examples are: AMM43-03
R 9 Mineral Name er_mineral_name Text Recommended Name for mineral Examples are: San03-001
R 10 Synthetic Material Name er_synthetic_name Text Required Name for synthetic material Examples are: STD1546-A1
X 11 Experiment Name List magic_experiment_names Text Optional Colon-delimited list of experiments Examples are: KOPA-299-1, KOPA-299-2, KOPA-299-6
F 12 Anisotropy Flag anisotropy_flag Flag Recommended Indicating if good (g, the default) or bad (b) data
13 Anisotropy Type anisotropy_type Text Required Anisotropy calculation type Examples are: AMS, AARM, AIRM, ATRM
14 Anisotropy Tensor Element 1 anisotropy_s1 Number Recommended Anisotropy tensor element, c11
15 Anisotropy Tensor Element 2 anisotropy_s2 Number Recommended Anisotropy tensor element, c22
16 Anisotropy Tensor Element 3 anisotropy_s3 Number Recommended Anisotropy tensor element, c33
17 Anisotropy Tensor Element 4 anisotropy_s4 Number Recommended Anisotropy tensor element, c12
18 Anisotropy Tensor Element 5 anisotropy_s5 Number Recommended Anisotropy tensor element, c23
19 Anisotropy Tensor Element 6 anisotropy_s6 Number Recommended Anisotropy tensor element, c13
20 Anisotropy Tensor Mean anisotropy_mean Number Recommended Anisotropy tensor mean, (c11 + c22 + c33) / 3
21 Anisotropy Tensor Sigma anisotropy_sigma Number Recommended Anisotropy tensor standard deviation Examples are: Sigma of Hext (1963)
22 Anisotropy Tensor Unit anisotropy_unit Text Recommended Anisotropy tensor unit Examples are: Normalized by trace, Am2, m3/kg, SI, deviatoric
Redefined 23 Number of Measurements anisotropy_n Integer Recommended Number of measurements included in the calculation
24 Anisotropy Tilt Correction anisotropy_tilt_correction Number in % Optional Percentage tilt correction applied to the data Examples are: Correction between geographic (0%) and stratigraphic (100%); unoriented (-1%); partially oriented to horizontal only (-2%)
Redefined 25 Remanence Anisotropy Alteration anisotropy_alt Number in % Optional Comparison of 1st and 2nd TRMs in TRM anisotropy experiment
26 Anisotropy Description anisotropy_description Text Optional Detailed description
27 MagIC Software Packages magic_software_packages Text Recommended Colon-delimited list of software used for data reduction Examples are: PmagPy v1.67b, FORCinel v1.11
E 28 External Database Names external_database_names Text Optional Colon-delimited list of external databases where data are used Examples are: GEOMAGIA50, CALS7K.2, ARCHEO00
29 External Database ID Numbers external_database_ids Text Optional Colon-delimited list of ID numbers linking to external database records Examples are: 1435, 23, 2329
R 30 Criteria Codes rmag_criteria_codes Text Recommended Colon-delimited list of criteria codes Examples are: MY-MAD, MY-APLHA95
R 31 Method Codes magic_method_codes Text Required Colon-delimited list of method codes Examples are: DE-DC0, FT-F1, LP-DCDMAG
R 32 Instrument Codes magic_instrument_codes Text Required Colon-delimited list of instrument codes Examples are: SIO-Bubba, IRM-OldBlue
R 33 Analyst Names er_analyst_mail_names Text Recommended Colon-delimited list of names and emails for analystsColon-delimited list of names and emails for analysts Examples are: Jim R.D. Hart , Alexis Heard :Bob McIntire
R 34 Citation Names er_citation_names Text Required Colon-delimited list of citation DOIs Examples are: 10.1029/92JB01202, 10.1029/2003GC000635:This study, "10.1023/A:1015035228810":This study
Standard MagIC Data Format v2.0
Standard MagIC Data Format v2.1
Standard MagIC Data Format v2.2
Standard MagIC Data Format v2.3
Standard MagIC Data Format v2.4
Standard MagIC Data Format v2.5
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