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2.4.1  Choosing Contribution Options

Not all contributions will require the same detailed information. For this reason, you will be given the option of specifying what information is pertinent to your contribution in the Select Contribution Options form. Options not selected will cause the corresponding fields to not appear in subsequent forms in the contribution process.

If this is a new contribution, the form will usually be left with all checkboxes left unchecked. However, if you came to the Contribution Wizard from another database, such as the Seamount Catalog or the GERM Reservoir Database, the appropriate checkbox(es) may be checked. In order for your contribution to be correctly related to the appropriate database entry, please do not de-select any pre-selected options. You may select any options that pertain to your contribution.

If you are updating an existing contribution, the form will be pre-filled with the checkboxes selected as appropriate, according to the data in the database. By de-selecting any of the pre-selected options, the corresponding information will be removed from the contribution. Please make certain you wish to remove the information before de-selecting any of the pre-selected options.

If you are creating a contribution using an existing contribution as a template, the form will be pre-filled with the checkboxes, according to the data in the template contribution. In most cases, the data in the new record will reflect the data in the existing contribution, so you should not need to update the form. If you de-select any of the pre-selected options, the data from the existing contribution will not be copied into the subsequent forms.

Detailed information on each of the options in the Select Contribution Options form may be obtained by following the See also links below, and general information can be seen by clicking on the appropriate INFO button.