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2.5  Contributing Metadata

2.5.1  Metadata Definition

The Metadata Definition form allows you to provide basic information on your contribution. It contains a few required fields, such as Title, Description, Keywords, and Expert Level, but the more information you can provide, the better.

Many of the sections in the Metadata Definition form appear only if you have selected the appropriate checkboxes in the Select Contribution Options form. This makes it possible to simplify the Metadata Definition form by removing the options that do not apply to your contribution.

For information on each of the options in the Metadata Definition form, click on the appropriate INFO button.

2.5.2  Publication Reference

The Publication Reference field allows you to type the name of the reference to which your contribution relates.

If the reference already exists in the database, the Contribution Wizard will search the database based on the names you specify, and will return a list of possible selections. You will be asked to verify your selection, based on the author(s), year, and title, to ensure that the correct reference is related to your contribution.

If you will be relating the contribution to a reference that does not yet exist in the Reference Database, you will be asked to complete a short form to create the reference.