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2.7  Contribution Errors

2.7.1  Choose a Different Title

The error "Please go back. Choose a different title" will appear if the Title specified in the Metadata Definition form has already been used by another contribution. One of the constraints on contributions made to the EarthRef Digital Archive is that each contribution must have a unique title. Simply click the Back button to modify your Title.

2.7.2  You Entered an Existing File Name

The error "You entered an existing file name. Please go back and choose a different file name." will appear if the name of the file uploaded in the File Upload form is the same as one that is already associated with another contribution. One of the constraints on contributions made to the EarthRef Digital Archive is that each file name must have a unique title. Simply click the Back button, change the name of your original file, and re-upload.

2.7.3  Filename Conflict

The error "Filename conflict. Please name your file differently and try to upload again." will appear if an error occurs while uploading a file. This occurs because the destination file does not allow overwrites, or some other naming conflict occurs. This indicates a problem on the server side, and it may be resolved either by attempting your upload again or by renaming the file that you are attempting to upload.