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3.1.2  Searching by Location

Searching the EarthRef Digital Archive by location allows you to find contributions associated with a particular locality.

You may use some or all of the fields included in the Location Search form. Contributions that correspond to the location you specify will be included in the search results.

Latitude and Longitude are set by default to include the maximum possible range of values. To specify a more specific region, modify the values in the search form. The contributions that have latitude-longitude ranges that fall within your specified range will be included in the search results.

Search by Location Name if you would like to find contributions that relate to a particular continent, country, or region. Continent may include values such as such as Europe, Australia, or Asia. For more specific searches, you may indicate a particular Country, such as Japan, Marshall Islands, or USA. Region may indicate such things as a body of water or underwater formation, and may include values such as Atlantic, Japanese Seamount Trail, or Pigafetta Basin.

For the Location Name field, you may indicate multiple search values by separating your search terms with spaces or colons. This will narrow your search to include more specific values.