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3.2.2  Detailed File Information

A summary of the information provided by the contributor appears on the Detailed File Information page. The fields should provide you with enough information to help you decide whether the file associated with the contribution meets your needs.

On the left side of this page is essential information related to the file, including File Name, Data Type, Computer Program, Number of Files, File Size, Contributor, and Reference. You may click on the Contributor's name to see detailed information about that person. If a Reference is provided, you may also click on the link provided for information about the reference associated with this file.

If you wish to download the file, click the DOWNLOAD button that appears in the upper left corner of the summary. This will normally result in a dialog box appearing, asking if you would like to open or save the file. This will depend on your operating system. Please see the Downloading Files help file for further information.

If a VIEW button appears, it indicates that the file is an image. You may view the image by clicking on the VIEW button, or use the DOWNLOAD button in the usual fashion.

If you are the original contributor of the file, you will see an EDIT button in the upper left corner. By clicking this button, you will go directly to the Contribution Wizard, where you will be able to update the contribution.

You may view information pertinent to the file and contribution by clicking on the various buttons provided in the middle left-hand section, including Geological Age, Keywords, Projects, Location Info, Instructions and Copyrights. Clicking on one of these buttons will cause the appropriate information to appear at the bottom of the page. Clicking on the button a second time will cause the section to disappear again.

Also provided in the third left-hand section are Show All and Export URLs buttons. Clicking on the Show All button allows you to easily display all pertinent data at the bottom of the page, just as if you had clicked the individual buttons in the section above. After clicking on this button, the button will change to the Hide Details button, which allows you to easily close all of the details sections with one click. The Export URLs button causes a section to display that summarizes all of the URLs associated with the contribution, including User Defined Web Site; Project Web Site; Persistent Link Current Web Page, a quick link to the current page; and Direct Download Link, which may allow you to see the file directly in your browser, depending on the file type and your browser's capabilities.

Each section, when displayed, will contain an X button on the upper right side. You may click this button to collapse that individual section.

NEW SEARCH buttons may be provided in the Geological Age Range and Timescale, and Location sections. Clicking on these buttons will allow you to perform another search with just the values provided in these fields.

If you selected multiple contributions using the checkboxes in the File List form, you will see the corresponding Detailed File Information summaries in a vertically-aligned table. You may use the various buttons to download or view information on the individual contributions, or use the checkboxes next to the titles to filter out contributions. Select the checkboxes you would like to keep and click the Continue button.