FeMO2 Dive Cruise 2007
Studying Fe-Oxidizing Microbes on Loihi Seamount -- JASON2 on the R/V Kilo Moana -- KM0719

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Rosette water sampler
The rosette carries 24 bottles of 12 liters each that can be triggered to close at different depths. All the bottles are latched open before the rosette is lowered into the water. The rosette sinks to the depth of the deepest sample needed and then an electrical signal from the ship will trigger a bottle to close trapping water from that depth. As the rosette is winched up additional bottles will be triggered when a sample of that water depth is wanted. The rosette also carries instruments to record Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD).

Photographer  Shawn Doan
Region  Hawaiian Islands
Location  Kilo Moana
JASON Dive  Unknown
JASON Event  Unknown
Latitude  Unknown
Longitude  Unknown
Elevation  Unknown
People  Unknown
Keywords  Hawaii, Submarine, Volcano, Biogeosciences, Iron-oxidizing microbes, FeMO2007, KM0719, R/V Kilo Moana
11 October 2007
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