GOLF 4-3-9 Antarctica Expedition 2008
Exploring the Rock Bottom of the Food Chain in McMurdo's Extreme Environments

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007 Striper
Description: Before we deploy our experiments we take a photograph to document what is in them. All have a unique number and name so we can reord what is in each basket. This is the image for number 007 (Striper) which carries a temperature recorder in addition to a series of sachets with glass powders, some rocks, and glass wool. The foil wrapped PVC pipe contains natural glass we harvested from the active lava flows from Pu'u O'o, Hawaii.

Photographer  Hubert Staudigel
Region  Antarctica
Location  Taylor Valley
Day  15
Latitude  77° 36.62'S
Longitude  163° 08.77E
Elevation  Unknown
People  Unknown
Keywords  Antarctica, Taylor Valley; Lake Fryxell, G-439 Project, G-439-2, McMurdo
10 November 2008
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