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Detailed File Information
Lesson 1 - Water Column Properties
File Name lesson1.watercolumnproperties.pptx
Data Type lesson plan
Computer Program Not specified
File Size 78.87 MB - 1 file
Expert Level High School (Grade 9-12)
Contributor Amanda N Netburn
Source No source
Resource Matrix The Physics of Oceans
This lesson provides an overview of the physical properties of the ocean that change with depth as well as the tools that are used for sampling these properties. Material presented includes: (1) What a CTD is and how it is used to sample water column properties, (2) temperature decreases with depth (students draw on prior knowledge that cold water sinks, and warm rises), (3) oxygen decreases with depth as a result of both physical and biological forcings, (4) Nutrient concentrations increase with depth because they are used up by photosynthetic organisms near the surface and released at depth as waste. After the presentation, students plot data and answer questions provided on a handout.
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