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2. Robustness of characteristics of the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic field reversal
File Name
Data Type animation
Computer Program Not specified
File Size 550.86 MB - 1 file
Expert Level Science Overview (Specialist)
Source AN. Mahgoub
Resource Matrix The Earth's Magnetic Field
These animations illustrate global geomagnetic field characteristics from 700 to 900~ka
The panels from left to right are, in row 1: Maps of field intensity at Earth's surface (F surf.), paleo-secular variation index Pi, radial field component (Br at the core-mantle boundary (CMB, with continents for reference purpose); row 2: maps of virtual dipole moment (VDM) at Earth's surface and virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) latitude, the geomagnetic power spectrum at the CMB (red dots) compared to the present-day (IGRF 12th generation) spectrum (grey dots), and two polar views of Br at the CMB with the inner core tangent cylinder outlined in black; row 3: time series of dipole latitude (Dip. Lat., blue, right ordinate) and dipole moment (DM, black, left ordinate) in top and of the three dipole spherical harmonic coefficients (g10, g11, h11) in the bottom panel, time series of globally averaged Pi with value given below, and time series of dipole (D) and non-dipole (ND) power at the CMB in the top and quadrupole (Q) and octupole (O) power in the bottom panel. The age is given in the top right and indicated by red vertical bars on the time series in row 3.
Details about these data can be found in the publication"Robustness of characteristics of the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic field reversal found in global models."
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