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Detailed File Information
Poster on Primary Production and Phyto- and Zooplankton
File Name gk.12.decima.finalposter.ppt
Data Type poster
Computer Program Not specified
File Size 2.57 MB - 1 file
Expert Level High School (Grade 9-12)
Contributor Moira R Decima
Source No source
This is a four lesson unit that explores general plankton ecology and food web dynamics, with an emphasis on phytoplankton ecology. Students learn about phytoplankton and zooplankton, their interactions and importance in the marine pelagic food web. In addition students explore phytoplankton ecology, their distribution in a stratified and heterogeneous ocean, and the ecological traits evolved to survive in these habitats. This lesson was designed for 9-12 grade marine science and biology students, but is also relevant to earth science classes.
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