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Detailed File Information
Marine Ecosystems Flashcards
File Name marine.ecosystem.flashcards.pdf
Data Type lesson plan
Computer Program Microsoft Powerpoint 14.1
File Size 3.54 MB - 1 file
Expert Level High School (Grade 9-12)
Contributor Eric Michael Keen
Source Eric Keen
Major species in 5 marine habitats (10-12 species per habitat). Hand the flashcards for a single habitat to a group; they will use the pictures and names to conduct online research. Print single-sided, in color if possible. Printing 1 copy of this file will provide flashcards for 5 groups (make additional copies as necessary). Pgs. 1-3: Coral reefs; pgs. 4-6: Salt marsh; pgs. 7-9: Rocky Intertidal; pgs. 10-12: Kelp forest; pgs. 13-15: Hydrothermal Vent.
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