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2.2  Contribution Types

2.2.1  New Contribution

Select the New contribution option if you are not going to update one of your existing contributions, and you do not intend to use an existing contribution as a template for a new contribution.

2.2.2  Update a Contribution

When you choose to update an existing contribution, you may edit any information contained within it. You will be given a list of your previous contributions on the Reload Previous Contribution page. Select the contribution you wish to edit.

Changes will take effect immediately upon each form's submission, and will be available for users to view. If you had previously completed the entire contribution process for the contribution, you only need to update as much information as you wish, without completing the entire process again. However, if your contribution is listed as In Progress on the Reload Previous Contribution page, you must complete the entire process in order for your contribution to be available for users to see.

2.2.3  Using Contributions as a Template for a New Contribution

If the contribution you are making is very similar to a previous contribution, you may choose to use the existing contribution as the basis for the new contribution. This option will create a new contribution with a copy of the existing contribution's information, simplifying the contribution process for you. You will need to follow the steps of the contribution process, updating any data as it pertains to the new contribution.

After selecting this option, you will be able to select the contribution on which to base the new contribution in the Reload Previous Contribution form. Once submitting your selection, the new contribution will be created in the database and the Metadata Definition form will be pre-populated with information that you may edit as necessary.

Please note that since each contribution's title must be unique, the previous contribution's title is not copied to the new contribution. You need to provide a unique title for it.

Even though the previous contribution may be listed as Completed in the Reload Previous Contribution form, you must still complete all steps in the contribution process for the new contribution to be available to users.