
Day 60 -- 22 December 2012 -- Sponge Collection on the Dirty Ice at Britina Island
One of the aspects of our project is to determine what the “background” organisms are so we can assess how different the microbial communities are on our traps. Laurie has been looking at the fungal communities associated with marine sponges- part of the group of animals we find near our trap at the Cape Evan’s wall.
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Day 59 -- 21 December 2012 -- Happy Solstice!
When we first arrived in McMurdo we still had sunrise and sunset, although the daylight was long. On 23 October we got our last sunset for the field season and it is now 24 hours a day of daylight. But today marks a shift in our pattern. For us in the far southern hemisphere, the December solstice is when the sun begins to shift downward toward the horizon as we slowly move into our long winter night.
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Day 55 -- 17 December 2012 -- Lake Fryxell, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Taylor Valley, known as one of the Dry Valleys, is located on the Antarctica continent and is home to lakes Fryxell, Hoare, and Bonney. Although the receding glaciers that carved the valley are not quite as massive as they once were, glaciers are still present. The largest input of liquid water to the Fryxell, although still comparatively minimal, comes from the Canada and Commonwealth glaciers.
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Day 31 -- 23 November 2012 -- Ice Caves on Mt Erebus
Active volcanoes not only spew lava, but also hot gases, some of them toxic, some of them just warm air with various amounts of steam and CO2. The vents for such gases are called fumaroles. They commonly form as magma brings groundwater to a boil, forming steam that mixes with volcanic gas and air from the cracks and pores in the volcano, and finally rising to the surface.
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Day 22 -- 14 November 2012 -- Polar Mirage
Polar mirage Here in McMurdo we often see mirages when looking across McMurdo Sound to the Royal Society range or Mount Discovery. These are specifically a form of superior mirage where alternating cold layers and warm layers of air bend the light and can form fantastical images, often appearing like cliffs or upside down mountains
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Day 20 -- 12 November 2012 -- Our Labwork
Antarctica is not all about fun in the snow; our highest priority for the duration of our visit here is research. Charges, defined as multiple packets of rock substrates with different mineral contents and glass slides, have been exposed to the environment for periods of up to four years.
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19 November 2012 -- Puzzle Of The Week
Question: There is a very curious place in Antarctica where the wind always comes from the North. Where is it?
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01 November 2012 -- Dive Safety in McMurdo
There are risks when diving under the ice, with only one small hole to get out of the water and diving without a tether at water temperatures below Zero C. Divers must take these risks very seriously. Dive Masters Steve Rupp and Rob Robbins are the local Dive Safety Officers who are in charge of the McMurdo Dive Operations. They take an active role in training new divers, they maintain equipment and the make sure everybody is safe down here.
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29 October 2012 -- Puzzle Of The Week (Answered)
Question: A C-17 transport plane could not land on Oct 15 the sea-ice on McMurdo because the sea-ice was too thin. A little over a week later, when Laurie and Anthony were flying in the sea ice has thickened enough so the US Air Force started landing on the Sea Ice Runway. How is it possible that the sea ice is still thickening even though the days are getting longer and the air is warming? The wind chill also decreases as the region enters the Austral summer.
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26 October 2012 -- Starting Our 2012/13 Season
It has been a long haul for us to prepare for our work on the ice. We started in mid-summer sending off our cargo shipments. Throughout the summer, we were busy with a prolonged series of medical and dental qualification exams. We finally got our medical clearance only a couple of weeks prior to our deployment and flights were booked only with five days notice. Hubert was the first one to arrive on Oct 10, so he could properly train up for the diving.
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2012-2013 Expedition
Follow the GOLF-439 expedition via pictures! The expedition members are uploading stunning pictures from Antarctica on a day by day basis ... |
2004/2005 | 2006/2007 | 2008 | 2010 | 2012 |
We are four scientists from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Oregon Health and Science University and the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine studying microbial life in extreme cold and dry environments. On this website we will provide you with regular updates of the GOLF439 Expedition to share our adventures, challenges and findings!
Alpha Romeo
Hotel Sierra
Bravo Tango
Lima Charlie
~ Anthony Rigoni (OHSU, left)
~ Hubert Staudigel (SIO, left middle)
~ Brad Tebo (OHSU, right middle)
~ Laurie Connell (SMS-UM, right)
We are the GOLF439 Home Team and will work on the microbial experiments and samples as they are retrieved from the extreme environment of Antarctica. We will provide you with reports from our lab results!
Alexis Templeton Craig Cary Greg Wanger
Anthony Koppers Patty Keizer Rupert Minnett Don Dingwell Shawn Doan Scott Craig | University of Colorado University of Delaware Craig Ventner Institute at UCSD Oregon State University Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scripps Institution of Oceanography Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen Sehome High School, Bellingham, WA US Fish and Wild Life Service, Orland, ME |