We thank the NSF (Geophysics and Geoinformatics), the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Oregon State University for their support of this workshop.
If you have any questions regarding the 2021 MagIC Workshop please contact Nick Jarboe (njarboe@ucsd.edu).
On January 19th-21st, the 2021 MagIC Workshop will offer four sessions covering a wide range of topics on rock magnetism and paleomagnetism. This will be an all online meeting using Zoom and sessions will have different start times to accommodate viewers throughout the global community. The talks will also be recorded and placed on MagIC's YouTube channel after the meeting. The first session titled "Unique Roles of Paleomagnetism in Understanding the Past" will start at 9:00 in the morning, PST. The second day will have two sessions: "Tectonic Applications of Paleomagnetism" starting at 8:00 PST and the second, "Rock and Paleomagnetic Methods, Instrumentation & Data Recovery" at 16:00 PST. On the morning of the third day we will have "Variations of the Magnetic Field Through Earth's History" starting at 9:00 PST.
Registration is open. To register fill out this form.
The MagIC meeting will have talks and posters listed in the MagIC Community Slack workspace (magiccommunity.slack.com). Once you register, we will manually add you to the Slack workspace where we will share introductions and interact with other workshop participants. Each talk has a channel and we will post links to the talk recordings on YouTube soon after each session concludes. Each poster will have a channel where the poster can be downloaded and the presenter can answer questions. Once we have invited you to the workspace, please join and say hello in the #introduction channel.
Talks from this year's workshop will be placed on the MagIC YouTube channel. You can also see talks from the 2017 MagIC workshop and the 2020 MagIC Tutorial talks there.
The deadline for abstracts for talks and posters is Jan 5th, 2021. The talks should be 30 minutes long with 10 minutes for questions. Every presenter is invited to contribute an abstract to the conference. These will be posted on the Slack channel for your talk. Please send your abstract as a maximum two page (text and figures) pdf document to Nick Jarboe (njarboe@ucsd.edu).
Poster sessions will be from 12:00-13:30 PST on Jan 20th and 6:00-7:30 PST on Jan 21st. Each session will begin with 3 minute pre-recorded presentations of the posters in the session. After the presentations there will be a group discussion period followed by time to meet with individual poster presenters on gather.town. Please see the instuctional email sent to participants on Jan. 17th for gather.town details. Each poster will have its own Slack channel with an abstract, poster pdf, presentation video, and other poster materials pinned to the top of the channel. Comments and questions can be put in the channel and responded to by the poster's presenter during the workshop.
Poster presenter information
A good size for posters is 180cm(6ft) by 120cm(4ft). It is a shape that displays well on computer monitors and will have a high enough resolution so zooming in works well when looked at as a pdf. You may use other dimensions if you like, as this is not a physical restriction due to the size of the poster board. For your 3 minute video, the usual format for these lightning talks at AGU is to show your poster while you present its content. You can also show one or two figures from the poster during the presentation or a video of you giving a brief overview of the poster.
9:00 | - | 9:10 | Nicholas Jarboe - MagIC 2021 workshop welcome |
Unique Roles of Paleomagnetism in Understanding the Past | |||
9:10 | - | 9:50 | Sonia Tikoo - Unraveling the history of the lunar dynamo |
9:50 | - | 10:30 | Courtney Sprain - Using paleomagnetism to understand the causes and consequences of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction |
10:30 | - | 10:50 | Break |
10:50 | - | 11:30 | John Geissman - Can a reliable magnetic polarity stratigraphy be extracted from Upper Beaufort Group (Late Permian to Early (?) Triassic) strata of the central Karoo Basin, South Africa? |
11:30 | - | 12:10 | Dennis Kent - Paleomagnetism charts northward dispersal of early dinosaurs across Pangea |
12:10 | - | 12:20 | Break |
Rock and Paleomagnetic Methods & Instrumentation - Part I | |||
12:20 | - | 13:00 | Greig Paterson - Titan o' the Magnetites |
Tectonic Applications of Paleomagnetism | ||||
8:00 | - | 8:40 | Josh Feinberg - Miocene pseudotachylyte preserves a record of earthquakes on low-angle normal faults in the South Mountains metamorphic core complex | |
8:40 | - | 9:20 | Lydian Boschman - Reconstructing plate motions of subducted oceanic plates using paleomagnetic data from subduction complexes - with examples from Japan, New Zealand, Mexico and Costa Rica | |
9:20 | - | 9:40 | Break | |
9:40 | - | 10:20 | Huang Wentao - The latitude of the southern margin of the Tibetan Plateau throughout the Cenozoic constrained by primary and secondary magnetic records | |
10:20 | - | 11:00 | Nick Swanson-Hysell - Two billion years of Laurentia tectonics: a paleogeographic synthesis informed by new paleomagnetic poles |
12:00 | - | 13:30 | Poster Session - 3 minute pre-recorded poster presentations and group discussion followed by the individual poster session. |
Caue Borlina - Non-steady accretion in the solar nebula inferred from paleomagnetism of CO chondrules | |||
Elias Mansbach - Plessite as a recorder of magnetic fields on planetesimals | |||
Gunther Kletetschka - Magnetic domains oscillation in the brain with neurodegenerative disease | |||
Sara Satolli - Magnetic Fabric in carbonatic rocks from Thrust Shear Zones in the Northern Apennines (Italy) | |||
Ivan Efremov - PMTools - a new paleomagnetic software tool | |||
Annemarieke Béguin - An introduction to Paleointensity.org - interpretation of paleointensity data & working with MagIC files | |||
Anthony Pivarunas - Paleomagnetic determination of eruption duration at Ash Creek Butte, California | |||
Natália Gauer Pasqualon - Paleomagnetic data of Trindade Island (Brazil): preliminary results |
Rock and Paleomagnetic Methods & Instrumentation - Part II | |||
16:00 | - | 16:40 | Andy Roberts - Developments and prospects in FORC analysis: domain state and anisotropy diagnosis, machine learning, and unmixing |
16:40 | - | 17:20 | Anthony Koppers - MagIC progress and plans |
17:20 | - | 17:40 | Break |
17:40 | - | 18:20 | Shelby Jones - Using MagIC as a FAIR repository for legacy archaeomagnetic data, a case study from North America |
18:20 | - | 19:00 | Courtney Wagner - Searching for magnetic needles in marine haystacks |
6:00 | - | 7:30 | Poster Session - 3 minute pre-recorded poster presentations and group discussion followed by the individual poster session. |
Claudio Robustelli Test - Magnetic fabric evidences of multiple deformation in tectonic mélanges: an example from the Northern Apennine (NW Italy) | |||
Romina Achaga - Rock magnetic studies on sediment cores from the center of Melincue Lake, Argentina | |||
Roger Fu - Net moment inversions and grain coercivity mapping using the quantum diamond microscope (QDM) | |||
David Cortes - Single particle multipole expansions from micromagnetic tomography | |||
Lennart de Groot - Deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic data from subsets of magnetic grains in lavas using micromagnetic tomography | |||
Cathy Constable - Uncovering the anatomy of geomagnetic excursions - A plea for better uncertainty estimates and improved age constraints | |||
Anita Di Chiara - The strength of the Earth's magnetic field from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Jordan | |||
Evdokia Tema - New directional archaeomagnetic data from Cyprus and evidence of abrupt directional changes | |||
Zheng Gong - Paleomagnetism: addressing tectonic, geodynamic, and geochronological problems in Proterozoic time | |||
Ken Kodama - A high reversal rate (12.7 reversals/Ma) in the Ediacaran Johnnie Formation (Rainstorm member) calibrated by rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy | |||
Bram Vaes - Apparent polar wander paths contain statistically displaced paleomagnetic reference poles: why? | |||
Variations of the Magnetic Field Through Earth's History | |||
9:00 | - | 9:40 | Brendan Reilly - New magnetostratigraphic insights from Iceberg Alley on the rhythms of Antarctic climate during the Plio-Pleistocene |
9:40 | - | 10:20 | Andreas Nilsson - A Bayesian approach to Holocene geomagnetic field modeling: emerging features and patterns |
10:20 | - | 10:40 | Break |
10:40 | - | 11:20 | Richard Bono - DEEP thoughts: insights on geomagnetic field evolution from models, and vice versa |
11:20 | - | 12:00 | Maxwell Brown - Palaeomagnetism of ca. 0-5 Ma lavas from Western Iceland: New results from Borgarfjörður |
12:00 | - | 12:15 | MagIC Team - Workshop wrap-up |
Maryam Abdulkarim | Imperial College | |
Abosede Abubakre | University of Johannesburg | |
Romina Achaga | CIFICEN-UNICEN | |
Gary Acton | Texas A&M University/IODP-JRSO | |
Marta Anson | Oklahoma University | |
Patrick Arneitz | ZAMG | |
Hanna Asefaw | SIO | |
Luciana Astiz | National Science Foundation | |
Maggie Avery | United States Geological Survey | |
Evelyn Baker | Imperial College London | |
Annemarieke Béguin | NTNU | |
Thomas Berndt | Peking University | |
Dario Bilardello | IRM, University of Minnesota | |
Elizaveta Bobrovnikova | Instutute of physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Science | |
Scott Bogue | Occidental College | |
Raquel Bonilla Alba | Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) | |
Richard Bono | University of Liverpool | |
Caue Borlina | MIT | |
Lydian Boschman | ETH Zürich | |
Julie Bowles | University of Wisconsin - MIlwaukee | |
Stefanie Brachfeld | Montclair State University | |
Katie Bristol | University of Florida | |
Maxwell Brown | Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota | |
Laurie Brown | University of Massachusetts | |
James Bryson | University of Oxford | |
Svetlana Burris | Rice University | |
Saioa A. Campuzano | Institute of Geosciences IGEO - CSIC, UCM, Madrid (Spain) | |
Ting Cao | China University of Geosciences | |
Julie Carlut | Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris | |
Reece Carter | Imperial College London | |
Xiaowei Chen | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | |
Nicole Clizzie | SIO | |
Rob Coe | UC Santa Cruz | |
Cathy Constable | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD | |
David Cortes | Utrecht University | |
Rory Cottrell | University of Rochester | |
Alison Cowan | Imperial College London | |
Brendan Cych | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | |
Rosa de Boer | Universiteit Utrecht | |
Lennart de Groot | Utrecht University | |
Kathlem de Melo Teixeira | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul | |
Wellington de Oliveira | Geoscience Institute/UNICAMP | |
Zou Di | China University of Geosciences, Wuhan | |
Anita Di Chiara | SIO | |
Jaume Dinarès-Turell | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome | |
Jikai Ding | Yale University | |
Peter Driscoll | Carnegie Institution for Science | |
Pavel Dubrovin | University of Oslo | |
Shannon Dulin | University of Oklahoma | |
Deepa Dwyer | Oregon State University | |
Ivan Efremov | Lomonosov Moscow State University | |
Daria Elkina | Saint Petersburg State University | |
Doug Elmore | Geosciences - University of Oklahoma | |
Stacey Evans | University of Oklahoma | |
Athena Eyster | MIT | |
Ivan Fedyukin | Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russia | |
Joshua Feinberg | Institute for Rock Magnetism | |
Dave Finn | University of Leicester | |
Fabio Florindo | INGV-Rome | |
Christine Franke | MINES ParisTech | |
Roger Fu | Harvard University | |
Kevin Gaastra | Rice University | |
Leandro C. Gallo | Universidad de Buenos Aires - National Council for Scientific and Technical Research | |
Cristina García-Lasanta | Western Washington University | |
Natália Gauer Pasqualon | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | |
Jeff Gee | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | |
John Geissman | Univ of New Mexico and Univ of Texas at Dallas | |
Raquel Gewehr de Mello | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | |
Steven Goldstein | National Science Foundation | |
Zheng Gong | Yale University | |
Richard Gordon | Rice University | |
Li Haijun | China University of Geosciences | |
Matt Hamilton | University of Oklahoma | |
Fei Han | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | |
Richard Harrison | University of Cambridge | |
Gelvam Hartmann | University of Campinas | |
Robert Hatfield | University of Florida | |
Louise Hawkins | University of Liverpool | |
Kuang He | Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | |
Friedrich Heller | ETH Zürich Geophysics | |
James Hepworth | University of Plymouth | |
David Heslop | Australian National University | |
McKenna Holliday | University of Florida | |
Bincheng Hong | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | |
Bernie Housen | Western Washington University | |
Shaochen Hu | China University of Geosciences | |
Pengxiang Hu | Australian National University | |
Wentao Huang | University of Rochester | |
Alicia Irurzun | CIFICEN | |
Nick Jarboe | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD | |
Xuelong Jiang | China University of Geosciences,Wuhan | |
Luo Jianhong | China University of Geosciences | |
Kevin Johnson | NSF | |
Shelby Jones | SIO & New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies | |
Ji-In Jung | Stanford University | |
Dennis Kent | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | |
Gunther Kletetschka | University of Alaska Fairbanks | |
Ken Kodama | Lehigh University | |
Despina Kondopoulou | Department of Geophysics-Aristotle University-Thessaloniki-Greece | |
Anthony Koppers | Oregon State University | |
Andrei Kosterov | St. Petersburg State University | |
James Kowalski | University of Florida | |
France Lagroix | IPGP - CNRS | |
Larry Syu-Heng Lai | University of Oregon | |
Wensong Lang | China University of Geosciences | |
Juan Larrasoana | IGME | |
Ioan Lascu | Smithsonian Institution | |
Geoffrey Lerner | Earth Observatory of Singapore | |
Zoe Levitt | MIT | |
Shihu Li | Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University | |
Zifan Lin | MIT | |
Agathe Lise-Pronovost | University of Melbourne | |
Yiming Ma | China University of Geosciences, Wuhan | |
Melina Macouin | Geosciences Environnement Toulouse, France | |
Elias Mansbach | MIT | |
Leonie Maré | Council for Geoscience, South Africa | |
Matteo Maron | Università di Chieti-Pescara (Italy) | |
Fatima Martin-Hernandez | University Complutense | |
Clara Maurel | MIT | |
William McCarthy | St Andrews University | |
Phil McCausland | University of Western Ontario | |
Joseph Meert | University of Florida | |
Wang Mengqing | China University of Geosciences | |
Satu Mertanen | Geological Survey of Finland | |
Junxiang Miao | China University of Geosciences | |
Rupert Minnett | Oregon State University | |
Roberto Molina | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | |
Alberto Molina Cardín | Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) | |
Lindsey Monito | Graduate Student at Oregon State University | |
Antony Morris | University of Plymouth, UK | |
Adrian Muxworthy | Imperial College London | |
Leyla Namazie | University of California, Berkeley | |
Claire Nichols | University of Oxford | |
Andreas Nilsson | Lund University | |
Frenk Out | Fort Hoofddijk, Utrecht University | |
Josep M. Pares | CENIEH | |
Aleksandr Pasenko | The Scmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow | |
Greig Paterson | University of Liverpool | |
Vladimir Pavlov | Instutute of physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Science | |
F. Javier Pavón-Carrasco | Complutense University of Madrid, Spain | |
Lauri Pesonen | University of Helsinki | |
Samuel Piascik | Harvard | |
Victor Piedrahita | Australian National University | |
Anthony Pivarunas | United States Geological Survey | |
Robin Reichlin | National Science Foundation | |
Brendan Reilly | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | |
Andrew Roberts | Australian National University | |
Claudio Robustelli Test | Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy | |
Meyer Romy | Utrecht University | |
Sonia Rousse | Université Toulouse 3 | |
Dmitriy Rud'ko | Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russia | |
Sara Satolli | Università di Chieti-Pescara, Italy | |
Jairo Savian | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | |
Stephanie Scheidt | University of Cologne, Germany | |
Robert Scholger | University of Leoben/Applied Geophysics | |
Gary Scott | Berkeley Geochronology Center | |
Peter Selkin | University of Washington | |
Ron Shaar | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | |
Jay Shah | MIT | |
Quentin Simon | CEREGE | |
Steven Skinner | Sacramento State University | |
Iuliia Sleptsova | LMU Munich | |
Sarah Slotznick | Dartmouth | |
Djeniffer Smaniotto | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | |
Courtney Sprain | University of Florida | |
Rob Sternberg | Franklin & Marshall College | |
Radchagrit Supakulopas | Prince of Songkla University | |
Leonid Surovitskii | Michigan Technological University | |
Nick Swanson-Hysell | UC Berkeley | |
John Tarduno | University of Rochester | |
Lisa Tauxe | SIO | |
Evdokia Tema | Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy | |
Geertje ter Maat | Utrecht University | |
Daniele Thallner | University of Liverpool | |
Sonia Tikoo | Stanford University | |
Justin Tonti-Filippini | LMU Munich | |
Jack Turney | Imperial College London | |
Hakan Ucar | Charles University | |
Bram Vaes | Utrecht University | |
Liz van Grinsven | Fort Hoofddijk, Utrecht University | |
Foteini Vervelidou | MIT | |
Michael Volk | Harvard | |
Courtney Wagner | University of Utah | |
Huapei Wang | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | |
Ingo Wardinski | EOST, University of Strasbourg | |
Ben Weiss | MIT | |
Chen Wen | China University of Geoscience (Wuhan) | |
Curtis Williams | National Science Foundation | |
Wyn Williams | University of Edinburgh | |
Wisawet Wongwai | Prince of Songkla University | |
Xiang Xiang Zhao | Australian National University | |
Toshi Yamazaki | Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo | |
Yiming Zhang | UC Berkeley | |
Duowen Zhu | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) |