FeMO2 Dive Cruise 2007
Studying Fe-Oxidizing Microbes on Loihi Seamount -- JASON2 on the R/V Kilo Moana -- KM0719

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Slide trap science
The microbes at Lo'ihi extrude iron oxide filaments that accumulate to form mats. Microbes that grow on the slides will extrude their filaments on the slide so it becomes possible to disentagle the types of filaments that make the mats. The shape of the filament may be characteristic of the species of microbe. Some of these slides have been down at Lo'ihi for a year.

Photographer  Shawn Doan
Region  Hawaiian Islands
Location  Loihi Seamount
JASON Dive  Unknown
JASON Event  Unknown
Latitude  Unknown
Longitude  Unknown
Elevation  Unknown
People  Dave Emerson
Keywords  Hawaii, Submarine, Volcano, Biogeosciences, Iron-oxidizing microbes, FeMO2007, KM0719, R/V Kilo Moana
24 October 2007
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