FeMO2 Dive Cruise 2007
Studying Fe-Oxidizing Microbes on Loihi Seamount -- JASON2 on the R/V Kilo Moana -- KM0719

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Deployment of Slide Trap (ST 5)
A plastic container includes glass slides that are used as traps for microbes that will colonize these surfaces. These experiments will be recovered at the end of this cruise to determine the first microbes colonizing these surfaces.
Photographer  JASON Digital Still Camera
Region  Hawaiian Islands
Location  Loihi Seamount, Ula Nui
JASON Dive  J2-307
JASON Event  551
Keywords  Hawaii, Submarine, Volcano, Biogeosciences, Iron-oxidizing microbes, FeMO2007, KM0719, R/V Kilo Moana
13 October 2007
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