2.2.1 Save
ArArCALC saves all calculated argon intensities of a single experiment in a single Microsoft Excel Workbook that includes two plateau diagrams, two isochrons, and their respective data tables. To save your calculated Ar40, Ar39 ... Ar36 intensities, choose File # Save (Ctrl+S) from the menu bar. ArArCALC first checks if you have performed calculations for all five argon isotopes. If not, it will warn you that your calculations cannot be saved at the moment. Otherwise, it saves your calculations in the Age Calculation File that is stored in the user-defined Project directory with a file name based on the given Experiment Name. However, if you have been performing data reductions for Blank or Air data, your calculations will be saved in Text Files instead. These files are by default stored in the ArArCALC/Blanks and ArArCALC/Airs directories, based on the Measurement Date and the Experiment Name, respectively.