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Detailed File Information
Loci of Shield Volcanoes in the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain
File Name m00025.img.537.loci.shield.volcanoes.jpg
Data Type diagram
Computer Program Adobe Illustrator CS2
File Size 401.00 KB - 2 files [ jpg,pdf ]
Expert Level College and Introduction to Science
Contributor ERESE Database Team
Source Jackson et al. 1972
Resource Matrix The Formation of Seamounts
This image shows the relative locations of shield volcanoes within the Hawaiian-Emperor chain and the trends in their locations. The shield volcanoes tend to forms in roughly linear lines with a few other volcanoes. The image also shows the topographic high points in the regions and Bouguer gravity anomaly highs. Bouguer gravity anomalies are the difference between the theoretical calculated gravities and the actual observed values.
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