Detailed Seamount Information |
Savai'i Island |    |

Index | SMNT-137S-1725W |
Classification | Island |
Location | 13º 39.00' S 172º 30.00' W |
Elongation Irregularity | |
Plate Age | |
Oceanic Province | |
Region | Samoan Hotspot Trail |
Alternative Names | |
Plate | Pacific Plate |
Age | |
Tectonic Setting | Hotspot Trail |
Seamount Top | |
Volume | |
Ocean Bottom | |
Shelf Edge
 | |
Volcanic Activity | Extinct |
Savai'i Island -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |
Savai'i Island -- Multibeam bathymetry |
Savai'i Island -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |
Savai'i Island -- Residual bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 1 -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 1 -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 1 -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 1 -- Residual bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 2 -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 2 -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 2 -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 2 -- Residual bathymetry |

Savai'i Island -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |

Savai'i Island -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Savai'i Island -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Savai'i Island -- Residual bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 1 -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 1 -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 1 -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 1 -- Residual bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 2 -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 2 -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 2 -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Samoan Hotspot Trail -- Tile 2 -- Residual bathymetry |

Brocher, T.M. (1985). On the age progression of the seamounts west of the Samoan Islands, SW Pacific. In: Investigations of the Northern Melanesian Borderland. Brocher, T.M. (Editors), Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Houston. 3: 173-185. |

Duncan, R.A. (1985). Radiometric ages from volcanic rocks along the New Hebrides-Samoa Lineament. In: Investigations of the northern Melanesian Borderland. Brocher, T.M. (Editors), Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Houston. 3: 67-76. |

Wright, E. and White, W.M. (1987). The origin of Samoa; new evidence from Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 81(2-3): 151-162. doi: 10.1016/0012-821X(87)90152-X. |

Hill, P.J. and Tiffin, D.L. (1993). Geology, sediment patterns, and widespread deformation on the sea floor off Western Samoa revealed by wide-swath imagery. Geo-Marine Letters 13(2): 116-125. |

Natland, J.H. (1980). The progression of volcanism in the Samoan linear volcanic chain. In: The Jackson Volume. Irving, A.J. and Dungan, M.A. (Editors), Kline Geology Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven. 280-A(2): 709-735. |

Farley, K.A. (1995). Rapid cycling of subducted sediments into the Samoan mantle plume. Geology 23(6): 531-534. |

Keating, B.H., Helsley, C.E. and Karogodina, I. (2000). Sonar studies of submarine mass wasting and volcanic structures off Savaii Island, Samoa. In: Landslides and Tsunamis. Keating, B.H., Waythomas, C.F. and Dawson, A.G. (Editors), Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland. 157(6-8): 1,285-1,313. |

Newman, S., Finkel, R.C. and MacDougall, J.D. (1984). Comparison of (super 230) Th- (super 238) U disequilibrium systematics in lavas from three hot spot regions; Hawaii, Prince Edward and Samoa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 48(2): 315-324. doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(84)90253-9. |

Poreda, R.J. and Farley, K.A. (1992). Rare gases in Samoan xenoliths. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 113(1-2): 129-144. doi: 10.1016/0012-821X(92)90215-H. |

Hart, S.R. (2004). Collaborative research: The Samoan Hotspot, Past and Present. In: Collaborative research: The Samoan Hotspot, Past and Present. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA. |

Hart, S., Coetzee, M., Workman, R., Blusztajn, J., Johnson, K., Sinton, J., Steinberger, B. and Hawkins, J. (2004). Genesis of the Western Samoa seamount province: age, geochemical fingerprint and tectonics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 227(1-2): 37-56. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.08.005. |

Workman, R.K., Hart, S.R., Jackson, M., Regelous, M., Farley, K.A., Blusztajn, J., Kurz, M. and Staudigel, H. (2004). Recycled metasomatized lithosphere as the origin of the Enriched Mantle II (EM2) end-member: Evidence from the Samoan Volcanic Chain. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 5: doi: 10.1029/2003GC000623. issn: 1525-2027. |

Keating, B.H. (1991). Insular geology of the Line Islands. In: Geology and Offshore mineral resources of the central Pacific basin, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series. Keating, B.H. and Bolton, B.R. (Editors), Springer-Verlag, New York. 14: 77-99. |