Dutton Guyot |    |

Index | SMNT-200N-1580W |
Classification | Very Small A1 Guyot |
Location | 20º 02.58' N 158º 00.92' W |
Elongation Irregularity | 1.10 ± 0.03 1.09 ± 0.01 |
Plate Age | 102.2 - 102.4 Ma |
Oceanic Province | Abyssal Plain |
Region | |
Alternative Names | |
Plate | |
Age | |
Tectonic Setting | Hotspot Trail |
Seamount Top | 2795 m |
Volume | 300 km3 |
Ocean Bottom | 4495 m |
Shelf Edge
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Volcanic Activity | |
Dutton Guyot -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |
Dutton Guyot -- Multibeam bathymetry |
Dutton Guyot -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |
Dutton Guyot -- Residual bathymetry |

Dutton Guyot -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |

Dutton Guyot -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Dutton Guyot -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Dutton Guyot -- Residual bathymetry |