Shostakovich Seamount |    |

Index | SMNT-332N-1649W |
Classification | Seamount |
Location | 33º 14.40' N 164º 51.60' W |
Elongation Irregularity | |
Plate Age | |
Oceanic Province | |
Region | Musicians Seamount Trail |
Alternative Names | |
Plate | Pacific Plate |
Age | |
Tectonic Setting | Hotspot Trails |
Seamount Top | |
Volume | |
Ocean Bottom | |
Shelf Edge
 | |
Volcanic Activity | |
Shostakovich Seamount -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Musicians Seamount Trail -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |

Musicians Seamount Trail -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Musicians Seamount Trail -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Musicians Seamount Trail -- Residual bathymetry |

Shostakovich Seamount -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Musicians Seamount Trail -- Multibeam data merged with predicted satellite bathymetry |

Musicians Seamount Trail -- Multibeam bathymetry |

Musicians Seamount Trail -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Musicians Seamount Trail -- Residual bathymetry |