FeMO3 Dive Cruise 2008
Studying Fe-Oxidizing Microbes on Loihi Seamount -- JASON2 on the R/V Thomas G. Thompson -- TN225

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Seismic Air Pump
Air powered Earthquake. The buried structure of the Earth can be deduced by mimicking the vibrations of an Earthquake and measuring the reflection. (The principal is the same as used in sonograms.) The ship has an aircompressor to charge an air gun that sends a sound pulse to the seafloor. The sound waves will reflect off the sea floor and buried layers.
Photographer  Shawn Doan
Region  Hawaiian Islands
Location  Summit, Loihi Seamount
JASON Dive  Between Dives
JASON Event  Unknown
Latitude  Unknown
Longitude  Unknown
Elevation  Unknown
People  Unknown
Keywords  Hawaii, Submarine, Volcano, Biogeosciences, Iron-oxidizing microbes, FeMO2008, TN225, R/V Thomas G. Thompson
07 October 2008
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