The Web Site for Earth Reference Data and Models

New ArArCALC v2.4 Released
Version 2.4 of ArArCALC is available for downloading since 22 November 2006! This latest public release encapsulates numerous upgrades and bug fixes collated over the last four years. It also marks the first of three major upgrades that will be made public over the coming two years under new funding by the EAR Instrument and Facilities program of NSF. Below follows a short list of the most important updates and changes:
  • Negative intensities can be allowed, making age calculations of very young samples statistically more accurate.
  • Corrections for 36Cl can now be made.
  • Help buttons have been placed on all dialogboxes, guiding the user to related help on the ArArCALC website.
  • The ArArCALC.log file is now being attached to all age calculation files.
  • The tick marking and general layout of the plots have been improved.
  • The menu structure has been simplified and more short cut key strokes have been added.
  • Lunar age calculations are now possible.
  • The user can define the units (volts, amps, counts) in which the intensities are being measured.
  • An option has been added to create empty age calculation files in which data can be entered by hand, allowing legacy measurements and data from the literature to be entered and recalculated using ArArCALC.
  • Now up to 999 segments or cycli can be defined in the irradiation definitions, while an auto-fill option has been added to speed up the entering of these data.
  • The user can now define projects and sub-projects, allowing the user to use branching directory structures to store their age calculation files.
  • Added zooming capability to enlarge the data tables on screen.
  • Saving editable Excel files and printing are now considerably faster.
  • Data fields such as sample, material, location, analyst (etc.) can now can accommodate longer text entries.

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