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Upwelling and Blue Whales Presentation
File Name
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Computer Program Not specified
File Size 2.98 MB - 1 file
Expert Level High School (Grade 9-12)
Contributor Geoffrey Gearheart
Source No source
Resource Matrix The Physics of Oceans
This lesson introduces the concepts of changes in water density associated with (sea) salt, thermohaline circulation, coastal upwelling and its biological significance to large marine animals such as blue whales. The lesson attempts to illustrate how physical-chemical forces impact and shape life in the oceans. The lab activity follows this PowerPoint presentation, and provides students with a fun example of how winds and the Coriolis force interact to form upwellings, and how these in turn may influence the distribution of blue whales. The students are asked to reflect on seawater density, they will also acquire basic knowledge on the ecology (i.e. feeding behavior) of a specific marine animal: the blue whale.
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