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40Ar/39Ar Age Determination 07C1947 (KOP000033 - Ofu, Samoa)
File Name KOP000033.07C1947.pdf
Data Type spreadsheet
Computer Program ArArCALC 2.5.1
File Size 933.00 KB - 4 files [ pdf,xls,age,xml ]
Expert Level State-of-the-art Science
Contributor Anthony A.P. Koppers
Source Koppers et al. 2011
This upload contains the 40Ar/39Ar geochronology age determination of sample OFU-3 4D9-06 (ALIA 103-07) from Ofu, Samoa and was calculated using the ArArCALC freeware. The preferred age of 0.56 ± 0.03 Ma is the age plateau and is interpreted as the eruption age of the sample. A good age plateau that is concordant with the inverse and normal isochron ages. Low temperature portion of the age spectra shows apparently higher ages likely due to some remaining alteration that is present in this relatively young submarine basalt sample. The age determination was carried out on a sample of basalt (groundmass 210-300 µm) in an incremental heating experiment and using the bulk laser heating extraction method. The analyses were run on a MAP215-50 mass spectrometer and the ages were calculated relative to flux monitor FCT-3 (biotite) with an age of 28.030 ± 0.010 Ma. This sample was collected by Stan Hart ( Location Description: West Rift
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