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Detailed File Information
Magnetic Profiles Along Three Different Mid-Ocean Ridges
File Name m00001.img.242.magnetic.profiles.ocean.ridges.jpg
Data Type graphs, cross section
Computer Program Adobe Illustrator 10
File Size 281.00 KB - 2 files [ jpg,pdf ]
Expert Level High School (Grade 9-12)
Contributor ERESE Database Team
Source Heirtzler et al. 1966
Resource Matrix Seafloor Spreading
Computed magnetic field anomalies over oceanic crust for different mid-ocean ridges on earth. The magnetic anomalies (stripes) differ for mid-ocean ridges at different latitudes and different azimuths relative to the dipole magnetic field lines. In the northern hemisphere normally magnetized oceanic crust will show enhanced magnetic anomalies (e.g. Pacific and Atlantic examples) while southern hemisphere ridges show the opposite (Carlsberg ridge). For more detail see Vine and Matthews (1963).
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