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Detailed File Information
The Earth's Layers
File Name
Data Type model cartoon
Computer Program Adobe Illustrator CS2
File Size 248.00 KB - 2 files [ jpg,pdf ]
Expert Level Elementary School (Grade 3-6)
Contributor ERESE Database Team
Source Enduring Resources for Earth Science Education (ERESE)
Resource Matrix Tectonic Plates
This diagram displays the layers of the Earth. These layers were created as dense materials sank to the middle of the Earth, causing the lighter materials to rise to the outer edge. Hence, the crust is made of the lightest materials and the core is made of the heaviest materials. The crust is the layer that you live on, and is the most widely studied and understood layer of the Earth. The mantle is much warmer than the crust, and flows like hot plastic. The inner and outer core are even hotter than the mantle, and are both at very high pressures. The inner core is solid due to the extremely high pressure, yet the outer core is still liquid and convects while causing the Earth's magnetic field.
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