Digital Archive (ERDA)
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Detailed File Information
Gravity Measurements Over an Oceanic Ridge
File Name m00017.img.308.gravity.levels.ridge.jpg
Data Type graphs
Computer Program Adobe Illustrator CS2
File Size 206.00 KB - 2 files [ jpg,pdf ]
Expert Level High School (Grade 9-12)
Contributor ERESE Database Team
Source Hamblin & Christiansen 2003
Resource Matrix Divergent Plate Boundaries
A diagram re-drawn from Earth's Dynamic Systems, comparing gravity intensity (in Mgal) vs. the distance (in km) from data gathered at a mid-ocean ridge. The graph indicates a significant difference between the gravity measured at the ridge crest and the gravity intensity as the distance from the ridge increases. Compare this data set to the Heat Supply at a Mid-Ocean Ridge data set.
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