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Detailed File Information
Cross Section of the Earth With Magnetic Field Line Directions
File Name
Data Type model cartoon
Computer Program Adobe Illustrator CS2
File Size 368.00 KB - 2 files [ jpg,pdf ]
Expert Level Elementary School (Grade 3-6)
Contributor ERESE Database Team
Source Enduring Resources for Earth Science Education (ERESE)
Resource Matrix The Earth's Magnetic Field
The image shows a cross section of the Earth's interior along with exterior magnetic field lines. At the center is the solid inner core, formed primarily of Iron (Fe) and Nickel (Ni), which is very hot (between 5000-7000¿C), but is a solid due to intense pressure. Outside of the inner core is the liquid outer core. The outer core is composed of the same material as the inner core, but a lower pressure allows it to be a liquid. The liquid outer core is responsible for the Earth's magnetic field, which protects the Earth from harmful radiation emitted from the Sun, known as solar wind. This concept is called the Dynamo Theory, which is the convection of molten iron and nickel in the liquid outer core, generating the magnetic field. For more simplified information see Earth's different layers.
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