GOLF 1-8-2 Antarctica Expedition 2006/2007
The Deep Freeze Archive

Build-Your-Own-Panorama and Computer Desktop Images
We have collected 5 build-your-own-panoramas from Antarctica and a set of beautiful images you could use for your computer desktop background! Use your own favorite "stitching" program to make the panoramas ...

As Hubert left the galley on Christmas day, he was asked to participate in a mystery "Santarctic" event at an undisclosed location. Unsure of what he was in for, he agreed, as it was "something to do on an otherwise fairly quiet, uneventful day." He had no idea why they asked him to participate, but allow him to report on his outing ...

Ivan the Terra Bus
He's Ivan the Terra Bus, and He's bringing our friends to us. Get the lyrics here of this particular Antarctica song ...

How Rocks get Magnetized
The Golf-182 team is sampling volcanic rocks to study how Earth’s magnetic field has changed over the past few million years. The rocks act like a paleo-compass by preserving a record of the direction and strength of Earth’s magnetic field at the time they erupted and cooled. This way if we can find volcanic rocks of different ages, we also have a record of the magnetic field at different points in time. Read here how we extract all this valuable information ...

Keeping Warm in Antarctica – Happy Camper Survival Training
Before deployment into the field, our team must undergo special training to learn how to deal with the harsh Antarctic weather conditions. Join the Golf-182 team as they undergo "Happy Camper" Survival Training (more formally titled "Snowcraft I") ...

How to Build a Quinzee – A Lesson in Shoveling
Surprisingly warm, comfortable and quiet, a "quinzee" is a cross between an igloo and a pile of snow. Find out how to build a proper one ...

Survival Bags – What’s Inside?
Every time we go out to do field research in Antarctica we are required to hump a huge bag full of survival equipment in case the weather turns ugly. Check out what we put inside these bags ...

Compass Confusion
How many geologists does it take to read a compass? It takes at least a few. Compass measurements at high latitudes leave us scratching our heads. Find out why this seemingly simple task is not as straightforward as you might think ...

USAP Shorthand and Lingo
Before you ever dream about going to do research in Antarctica, you better know your abbreviations. Get yourself a handle here on your USAP shorthand and lingo, because these abbreviations and terminology might be used liberally on this website ...

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