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Intriligator 1986
Intriligator, D.S. (1986). Comment on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter event of February 11, 1982: of cometary or solar origin? By C. T. Russell et al.. Geophysical Research Letters 13: doi: 10.1029/GL013i010p01067. issn: 0094-8276.

Analysis of Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) and ISEE plasma and magnetic field observations associated with the PVO February 10--11, 1982 events strongly supports the solar origin of the events and not the cometary origin suggested by Russell et al. (1985b). The observation of the field fluctuations and helium enhancements at both Venus and Earth strongly supports the solar origin of the events. Helium enhancements are associated with solar events and not with cometary events. The sequence of the events-the sheath, the magnetic cloud, and the trailing filament (with its increase in magnetic field magnitude)-is entirely consistent with the solar origin of the events. Three additional observations strongly argue for a solar not a cometary origin of these events: in contrast to the observations at comet Giacobini-Zinner, no significant plasma wave activity was recorded at PVO at the time Russell et at. claim the cometary bow shock was crossed, thus arguing against the presence of a cometary bow shock; the Venera 13 and 14 magnetic field observations at Venus show that the solar wind was disturbed at this time, which is consistent with the solar origin of these events; and a Forbush decreases was recorded at Earth within a day after the observation of the events at ISEE-3, which also strongly argues for a solar wind and not a cometary origin of the events. We believe the available observations argue for a solar and not a cometary origin of these events.



Geophysical Research Letters
American Geophysical Union
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