Characterization of volcanic knobs observed in Sea Beam bathymetry near the 95 ¿W Galapagos propagator system on the Cocos-Nazca spreading axis provides insight into volcanic and tectonic processes at propagators and midocean ridges. Despite evidence suggesting a higher magma supply rate at the propagator axis, crust accreted there contains fewer knobs than crust created at the failing or doomed spreading axes. Fissure-fed flows rather than seamount construction are more important along the propagator. The process of transferring lithosphere from one plate to another as this ridge offset migrates through a region destroys about half of the preexisting knobs. Data tentatively suggest that on-axis volcanic cones increase in size and contribution to crustal construction but decrease in abundance with decreasing spreading rate, possibly reflecting the magma plumbing systems in differing thermal regimes. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1994 |