Detailed Reference Information |
Merryfield, W.J., Holland, M.M. and Monahan, A.H. (2008). In: Multiple equilibria and abrupt transitions in Arctic summer sea ice extent. American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C.. 180. doi: 10.1029/180GM11. |
Global Change, Abrupt/rapid climate change, Nonlinear Geophysics, Bifurcations and attractors, Global Change, Global climate models, Sea ice—Arctic regions, Climatic changes—Environmental aspects—Arctic Regions, Environmental impact analysis—Arctic regions, Arctic regions—Climate |
Geophysical Monograph Series |
American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009-1277 USA 1-202-462-6900 1-202-328-0566 service@agu.org |