With a multiple linear regression analysis ozone and temperature trends are determined for a cold and warm half-year cycle, based on concurrent ozone and temperature data recorded at various ozonesonde stations over the past decades. It is attempted to quantify the derived temperature trends, either in terms of radiative cooling caused by the trends in ozone and other greenhouse gases, or in terms of changes in the vertical advection regime. In the lower stratosphere, it is found that an increase in the ascent-rate of air over the observed period often explains the observed cooling and ozone depletion, whereas higher up in the stratosphere the temperature trends are often in agreement with radiative transfer calculations. With the ozone and temperature residuals, correlation profiles are constructed, as well as sensitivity curves which give the local air temperature response to local changes in ozone. These sensitivity curves are compared with radiative transfer calculations for the stratosphere. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1996 |