In October/November 1993 DOAS measurements of total columns of NO2 and O3 were performed on a ship cruise from Germany to South Africa. The results are compared to data collected during an earlier campaign with a similar setup [Kreher et al. 1995>, which took place in 1990, before the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano. Overall no general trend for NO2 in 1993 in comparison to 1990 could be detected. The O3 vertical column densities in 1993 are mostly around 280 Dobson Units, showing a significant increase to over 330 DU south of 25 ¿S, and significantly lower O3 values south of 50 ¿S. The height of the NO2 concentration maximum was calculated from the NO2 am/pm ratio and data from ozonesondes. The resulting heights are mostly round 29 km, except in the region (south of ≈45 ¿S) where the lowest ozone column densities occurred, there the calculated height is ≈22 km. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1996 |