Field, R.M., Barton, D.C., Bowie, W., Bucher, W.H., Ewing, M., Fleming, J.A., Heiland, C.A., Hess, H.H., Iselin, C.O., Keith, A., Macelwane, J.B., Marmer, H.A., Matthes, F.P., Patton, R.S., Shepard, F.P., Stetson, H.C., Sverdrup, H.U., Trask, P.D., Twenhofel, W.H., Weaver, P. and Wright, F.E. (1937). Report of special committee on geophysical and geological study of oceanic basins. Transactions, American Geophysical Union 18: doi: 10.1029/TR018i001p00013. issn: 0002-8606. |