Reference Database (ERR)
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Baksi 1999 
Background File File Name JPG  PDF  XLS  DOC  TXT  Total

  Abstract aadw0002011abs01 242  556    809 kb
  Abstract aadw0002011abs01 242  556    809 kb
  Table 1 aadw0002011tab01 318  871  19    1211 kb
  Table 1 aadw0002011tab01 318  871  19    1211 kb
  Methodology aadw0002011tch01 185  458    652 kb
  Methodology aadw0002011tch01 185  458    652 kb
  Methodology - Plateau Ages & Errors aadw0002011tch02 146  342    496 kb
  Methodology - Plateau Ages & Errors aadw0002011tch02 146  342    496 kb
  Methodology - Isochron Plots aadw0002011tch03 378  833    1223 kb
  Methodology - Isochron Plots aadw0002011tch03 378  833    1223 kb
  Methodology - Altered Basalts & High Atmospheric Argon Contents aadw0002011tch04 67  172    244 kb
  Methodology - Altered Basalts & High Atmospheric Argon Contents aadw0002011tch04 67  172    244 kb
  Methodology - Problems Related to Limited Mass Resolution of the MS10 aadw0002011tch05 88  199    294 kb
  Methodology - Problems Related to Limited Mass Resolution of the MS10 aadw0002011tch05 88  199    294 kb

Download Total 9858 kb
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