Reference Database (ERR)
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Detailed Reference Information
Cann et al. 1983
Cann, J R, Langseth, M G, Honnorez, J, Von Herzen, R P, White, S M, Bacon, M P, Anderson, R N, Lawrence, J R, Natland, J H, Nekhoroshkov, V L, Pertsev, N N, Ponomarev, V N, Zoback, M D, Adamson, A C, Barrett, T J, Becker, K, Beiersdorf, H, Bender, M, Borella, P E, Furuta, T, Hubberten, H-W, Jones, S C, Karato, S-I, Laverne, C, Levi, S, Migdisov, A G, Moorby, S A, Mottl, M J, Noack, Y, Sancetta, C A, Schrader, E L and Wilkens, R H (1983). Sites 505; sediments and ocean crust in an area of low heat flow on the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 69: 175-214.


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Table 5

Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
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